When bad things happen to your smile, you can count on your restorative dentist in Warwick, NY to set things rights. Call 845-582-3985 to make an appointment at Warwick Valley Dental for these reasons and more.
Treat a Cavity
Tooth decay affects nearly everyone. When it does, you can fix it with a filling. If the cavity is large, a dental crown can get your tooth back in shape.
Repair a Broken or Cracked Tooth
Broken and cracked teeth can be painful. They also can alter how you bite and chew your food. Fix them by getting dental crowns.
Replace Lost Teeth
Missing teeth are far more common than many people realize. Fortunately, you have multiple options to replace lost teeth, including dental implants to support crowns, bridges, and dentures.
Call 845-582-3985 or to visit Warwick Valley Dental.